B2B Saas Email Copywriter | Mira ANAMAE

How to make money from a small email list for B2B & Saas

SaaS Email Marketing Tips for Startups

It’s not about getting 1000 leads in your email list, but converting 1000 quality leads who need your SaaS and can afford it.

In a nutshell, this is all you need to do:

Building your list with quality leads & users

Every subscriber you get isn’t a lead.

Your ROI grows when you build trust and strong relationships with your leads/customers/subscribers.

Email is a long-term investment, and you need to send emails consistently to start seeing bigger results.

That said, you can make money from any list size – if it has at least one person ready to buy from you. For example:

SaaS A: Has a list of 500 people but converted 321 users in their first month at $15 per month, and made $4815 that month.

SaaS B: Has 8,283 subscribers but struggles to convert 100 users for their $29 per month plan because they keep sending promotional emails their subscribers don’t c

Look, 190 qualified, warm leads you’ve been nurturing are easier to sell to than 4,430 people that haven’t opened your emails since February.

As your list grows over time with hot/warm leads, then you can make more money from your list.

3 ways to grow your list with more qualified leads:

How to build strong relationships with your email subscribers over time

Listen to your subscribers and understand what they want from you

Talk to your subscribers! Connect with them on socials or reply to their emails. Not only will you understand what they need, you can also get customer data or VOC you can use for future emails, offers, or copy

Get them to reply often, and answer as soon as possible. It feels more personal and they get to hear from the human behind the screen

Send emails consistently – as much as you can. If you’re swamped with work, hire an email copywriter to help you keep up and nurture leads.

Always link to your offers or assets (like blogs, resources, and content) in your emails. For example, listing ways to work with you in your signature, or linking to your offer in your emails. Every email is a sales email.

Don’t waste money buying email lists

Whether they promise 500 or 10,000 qualified leads…

This is a terrible strategy for sustainable list growth.

Most of those “leads” have never interacted with your brand. They’re not familiar with your offers. How many of them are even in your industry?

How many of them even need your offer?


Last year a building materials seller bcc’d me and at least 400 other people to sell a contract for some plot in India.

Someone replied with an angry “Get out of my inbox and this offer is useless” message, and everything crashed from there. At least 10 people called the guy a scammer and cussed him out.

You’re not buying the people in the list. You’re not buying their trust and loyalty.

You’re just buying a spreadsheet of different emails.

Even if you get a few sales, can you get more in the future?

The seller didn’t curate that list for YOUR SPECIFIC offer or audience.

Build your own.

P.S: If you need help starting your email list and creating your first welcome or onboarding sequence, let’s chat about how to build a raving list with quality leads for your SaaS.


  • Next time you’re worrying about your list size, focus on sending timely, relevant emails
  • Your email ROI depends on your price point
  • Nurture your subscribers and build trust with them
  • Always link to your offers or assets like your content in every email
  • Don’t waste money buying email lists because your ideal customer isn’t there

Here’s how I’ll get you more ROI from your emails

  1. Get your email sequences optimized for more engagement, clicks, and sales with a Saas email audit.
  2. Apply to work with me on new, high-converting emails for your list.
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